Aadhaar has never been updated even after 10 years of issue, but update it online for free till Wednesday. Address and identity proof can also be uploaded.
Free Aadhar Card Update 2023 |
Only 1 Days Left. Yes, you read that correctly. There is only one week left to update your Aadhaar card for free. If you fail to do so, you will be subject to penalties. The three-month deadline set by the Indian government in this regard ends on June 14. If you do not update your old Aadhaar card by that day, certain activities may be blocked starting from June 15. It is important to update your Aadhaar card within the given deadline to avoid any penalties.
The government is currently working on linking various documents such as PAN-Aadhaar, Ration Card-Aadhaar, and Voter ID-Aadhaar. The deadlines for these linkages are approaching. In the meantime, the central government has issued updated guidelines specifically for the Aadhaar card. The UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has provided the opportunity to update the Aadhaar card free of charge from March 15 to June 14. It is important to take advantage of this window to update your Aadhaar card before the deadline.
Updating your old Aadhaar card is essential to avoid any issues. The process can be conveniently completed from the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for external visits. However, it is crucial to meet the given deadline. Failure to update your old Aadhaar card within the specified timeframe may result in its cancellation. To prevent any disruptions or potential penalties, it is highly recommended to prioritize updating your Aadhaar card before the deadline.